This article is a little bit out of the ordinary seeing that we are a food and drink blog. However, If you own a blog or web site and you want more visitors, then you need two important things – Google +1 and Swapes.com.
We signed up a few weeks ago and the results have been phenomenal, so we want to pass it on to our followers. Why not? It’s free! One of the adverts we are now carrying on these pages is for Swapes.com. You can see it at the base of every page and post on this blog since November.
So, what is Swapes.com?
Swapes.com is a fantastic organisation which allows you to promote your site by using the latest social media Google+1. I can provide you with actual data which proves beyond any doubt, that their system works – and works very well indeed.
But that is not all they do. You can also increase you ratings and popularity with Facebook, Twitter and ‘You Tube.’
How does it work?
Simple. All you do is sign up – just click on the link at the bottom of this page or click here swapes.com. Add your site and you are off and running. The instructions are quite clear and easy to follow.
The idea is to build up a store of ‘coins’. These ‘coins’ allow you to offer other people who use Swapes.com the facility to click your Google+ box on your site, and give you Google+1 awards. This in turn increases your popularity and encourages visitors to your site.
How do you earn coins?
That is even simpler. All you have to do is click on ‘earn coins’ select Google and you will see a selection of web sites with the number of coins they have on offer for your click. Each time you click the Google+1 box you collect the number of coins under the box (from 1 to 5). You then use these ‘coins’ to offer for clicks on your Google+1 box.
And now for the proof of how successful the system is and how it has worked for spanishchef.com. Our hosting company uses ‘cpanal’. This has a fantastic statistics suit which allows us to check (among other things) the number of daily visitors, hits and the number of ‘unique’ visitors for every day.
We signed up to Swapes.com at the beginning of November. For the six months previous to November we thought we were doing well by achieving a maximum number of 7,380 ‘unique’ visitors in October. But when we saw our results for the first half of November, we were overwhelmed. Our ‘unique’ visitors had rocketed to over 13,000 – and it’s only the 18th of November. There is still nearly two weeks still to go. (Previous six months unique visitor records listed below)
Nothing else has changed on the site during November. We are not using any other systems or promotions which may have caused this doubling of our visitor figures. It is all down to Swapes.com and their fantastic system.
We have no hesitation in promoting Swapes.com to all our readers. The figures speak for themselves.
If you need more visitors to your site, sign up to Swapes.com and Get yourself ‘Googled’
CPanal statistics from Hosting 24.com – Unique visitors May 2011 to November 18th 2011
May 1,230
June 1,687
July 4,772
Aug 6,047
Sept 7,380
Oct 7,326
Nov 13,093 (first 18 days)
Bill Robinson
A big thank you for your blog article. Really Cool.