Free From Gluten: Building a Gluten Free Thanksgiving #2 recommends these products

Free From Gluten: Building a Gluten Free Thanksgiving #2

You can pour it over anything on your plate, save salad. You can sop it up with your dinner roll, your mashed potatoes, your fingers. There is a reason the saying goes, “good as gravy,” because this is one Thanksgiving staple you cannot go without. Though traditional gravy is made with wheat flour, you will never miss it with our gluten free gravies.

Full Flavor Foods has over 100 years of experience in producing soups, gravies and sauces, and have extended that knowledge to a line of gluten free products. Their intention is to offer great tasting gluten free products that you can safely serve your family. Try their Turkey Gravy, a convenient mix that creates a gluten free gravy as delicious as it is easy to make. Another of our featured gravy mix companies, Maxwell’s Kitchen makes four easy-mix gravies to serve at your table.

To top it off, Full Flavor Foods donates 2% of their profits to celiac research, while Maxwell’s Kitchen donates a percentage of all their profits to Celiac Sprue related charities. So now you can have rich tasting food and help a great cause at the same time.

Orgran Vegetarian Gravy Mix is a versatile vegetable based, gluten free gravy. Useful in any season, it is wheat-, dairy-, soy-, egg- and nut-free, as well as Kosher. Bob’s Red Mill Xanthan Gum and Authentic Foods Potato Starch, a wonderful alternative to cornstarch, are the perfect all-purpose thickeners for recipes, gravies and salad dressings. By mixing either of those thickeners with water and slowly adding to hot stock, you can create a scrumptious, savory homemade gravy.

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