Eating healthy during the holidays
Just in time for the start of holiday party season, the American Heart Association is offering recipes for healthy alternatives to traditional favorites and tips on how to avoid the typical holiday food traps.
The American Heart Association’s free “Holiday Healthy Eating Guide” is available for download at www.
The brochure features recipes for dishes including salad greens with baked pears and goat cheese, roasted turkey breast with lime and herbs, and cherry chocolate tiramisu; alongside tips on how to choose healthy alternatives during holiday gatherings both at home and on the road.
Follow these guidelines to make sure your meal is a heart – healthy one:
Outsmart the bird. Reach for the lighter pieces of meat; they have fewer calories and less fat than the darker ones. Another way to cut calories and eat more healthy is to take off the skin.
Keep portions in check. A serving size of meat is three ounces, about the size of a deck of cards. So, be conscious of how much you put on your plate, and pass on that second helping. If you’re also having another meat, take smaller portions of each.
Stay off the gravy train. Turkey usually comes with gravy, which can add excess fat, calories and sodium. Limit gravy to a tablespoon, and keep it off other items, such as the dressing. Cranberry sauce doesn’t contain as much fat or sodium, so it’s a good substitute. Still, because cranberry can contain lots of sugar, limit yourself to ¼ cup.
Call it what it is. Dressing is intended to be a complement to your meal, not an entree. To keep calories and excess fat in check, aim for ¼ cup (or about half a scoop with a serving spoon).
Judge it by its cover. If the dressing is filled with fatty meats such as sausage and pork, looks greasy or buttery, and is made with white bread or sweet rolls, it may be best to pass. Better options would be dressings that look drier and have whole grain or cornbread, lean meat (or no meat), nuts (such as almonds or walnuts), and lots of veggies and fruits (celery, grapes, cranberries, carrots, onions, etc.).
What’s in it? It’s often hard to know what’s included, but casseroles are usually filled with fat, sugar or sodium (think green bean and sweet potato casserole). Your best bet is to have a spoonful of each and fill your plate with roasted or sauteed veggies and tossed salad instead.
Treat yourself right. The best way to enjoy a sweet without losing control is by sampling, rather than having full servings. For example, have one bite of pie, half a cookie and one small square of fudge. Find a friend or family member who will stick to the sampling rule with you.
Holiday Beverages
Use these smart tips on substitutions and choices to enjoy your favorite winter beverages:
Eggnog — Mix it up. Fill your glass with half to three-quarter parts of low-fat or skim milk, and one part eggnog. You’ll still get the flavor without all the calories.
Act like a kid. Take out the alcohol. This simple step will reduce the caloric content.
Cut the fluff. Pass on that big dollop of whipped cream to avoid the extra sugar and fat.
Find an alternative. This holiday classic has many low-fat or soy versions.
Hot chocolate — Skip the heavy stuff. If you order hot chocolate at a restaurant or coffee shop, ask that it be made with low-fat or skim milk and without the whipped cream.
Go easy on the toppings. Use five to eight mini marshmallows instead of large ones. If using whipped cream, look for low-fat versions and stick to one tablespoon (about a rounded spoonful).
Cocktails — Enjoy mock-tails. Serve nonalcoholic versions of your favorite cocktails to lower the calories. Be sure to check the nutrition label, because sometimes alcohol-free products have more added sugar.
Break it up. To reduce the amount of calorie-laden drinks you consume, drink a glass of water between each beverage. This will help fill your stomach, leaving less room to overindulge.
For more information, visit the American Heart Association’s website at
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