What You Should Know Before Using Homeopathic Remedies

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What You Should Know Before Using Homeopathic Remedies

Considering homeopathy as your treatment method? There are several things you have to keep in mind before you entrust your health to a homeopathic specialist. This is not to say that homeopathic medicine is something that might threaten the life and limb. It is a very safe way to treat certain illnesses, but to be able to get the most effective results, you have to take some precautions.

Dos and Don’ts of Using Homeopathic Remedies

• Read several published studies or researches on homeopathic treatment that matches your medical condition.

• Look for a certified homeopath with formal training on homeopathic medicine.

• Consult your current doctor or your local healthcare provider if you plan to use homeopathic remedies for your child or if you are pregnant or nursing.

• Do not stop taking your current medicines without asking your current doctor, even if the homeopath tells you so.

• Do not make homeopathic medicine a substitute for proven traditional healthcare. Also, avoid postponing your consult an MD doctor about your medical condition.

• Learn about the proper dose and potency of the homeopathic medicine you will be taking. Homeopathic doctors do not always agree on dose and potency of medicines. Also, these two factors depend on the remedy to be taken and the sensitivity of the patient toward the remedy. However, as a rule of thumb, diseases that you have been suffering for a long time must be cured with high numbers (e.g. 30C to 200C), and acute diseases or those that are quite new must be treated with low numbers such as 6C.

• Take homeopathic medicines on an empty stomach or at least 15 minutes before meals.

• When taking homeopathic remedies start off with a low potency and then gradually increase the potency once you notice some improvements on your condition. Taking high-potency homeopathic medications is not recommended, unless you are sure that it is the proper treatment for your condition.

• Most homeopathic medications come in the form of pills and are placed under the tongue. For the first six dosages, take two pills every two hours. Then take the pills four times a day for five days. Avoid touching the pills; instead, you can drop some pills on the lid of the container and put them directly to your mouth.

• Some homeopathic medicines come in ointments, and they can be applied directly on the affected area.

• Stop taking the medications once you have felt relief. However, take them again if the symptoms relapse.

• Do not take or use substances or products that may interfere with or block the effects of your homeopathic treatment. Examples are caffeinated drinks such as coffee and soda; prescription drugs such as anti-fungal medications, cortisone, and antibiotics; substances with strong flavours or aroma such as mint, camphor, menthol, and eucalyptus; recreational drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, pain medications, and barbiturates; Chinese herbs; aromatherapy products such as lavender oil, tea tree oil, and peppermint oil; and immunizations.

It is also advised that you refrain from taking other homeopathic medicines since they may cancel the effects of your remedy using homeopathy.

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