5 Fragrant Spices for Healthy Hair Growth</h2.
Your spices cupboard can be your medicine cabinet. When it comes to hair growth, what you see in your kitchen can be useful in your quest against hair loss.
Indeed, you can add spices in your daily cooking and be on your way towards regaining healthier hair.
The following are spices from India, China and the Caribbean which when incorporated in your daily diet will surely help you stop the onslaught of hair loss and stimulate hair growth.
1. Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) — is a plant that belongs to the genus Elettaria and Amomum in the ginger family Zingiberaceae. This is an aromatic spice with a perfume similar to coriander. It is used to flavour tea, chutneys and rice puddings.
Cardamom cleanses and clears the body from unwanted elements that can trigger hair loss. It is also good for relieving stress; hence, it promotes optimum well being and prevents stress-induced hair loss.
2. Cayenne Pepper (Capsicum annuum) — is referred as the Guinea spice, cow-horn pepper, aleva, bird pepper, and red pepper and is used to flavour dishes and taken as herbal supplement.
Cayenne pepper is a hot fiery spice that is high in vitamin A, an anti-oxidant which reduces hair loss by making healthy sebum in the scalp. In addition, Cayenne pepper contains vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin C, potassium, manganese and riboflavin. It also contains an active substance named capsaicin. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent that helps stimulate blood circulation. The increase of blood flow to the scalp and the hair follicles leads to better hair growth.
3. Cinnamon (Cinnamonum zeylanicum) — is one of the spices from the genus Cinnamomum. This common spice can be used whole or ground up and added to drinks, curries, stews and desserts.
Cinnamon contains strong-smelling essential oils (cinnamaldehyde, cinnamyl acetate, and cinnamyl alcohol) that serve to help remove blood clots and diseases from the blood vessels. This in turn allows hair follicles to be better nourished and grow healthier hair faster.
4. Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) — is a fragrant flower bud of a tree in the family Myrtaceae. This is native to the Maluku Islands in Indonesia and is most harvested of the spices primarily in India, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Clove is used as tea and as an ingredient to spicy meat and vegetarian curries.
This plant helps increase the circulation of the blood and brings nutrients up to the hair follicles. Eugenol, which comprises the essential oil of clove, is an analgesic and antiseptic substance responsible for fighting bacteria.
5. Garlic (Allium sativum) — is one of the species of the onion genus Allium. Its close relatives include the onion, shallot, leek, chive, and rakkyo. Garlic was known in ancient times and has been used throughout history for both culinary and medicinal purposes.
Garlic is considered one of the healthiest spices to help enhance hair growth. It contains vitamin B6, selenium and manganese which are all vital for growing healthier hair. In addition, it contains sulfur compounds that strengthen and condition the hair.
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