Healthy Hollywood: Fab Food Friday recommends these products

Healthy Hollywood: Fab Food Friday

Hard to believe – but Thanksgiving is right around the corner. It’s one of my favorite holidays – simply because it brings family together in a major eating fest. I love turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans – lots of love at the table – bring it on – Healthy Hollywood is feast-ready!

Yet, it’s important to take time out and give thanks for our bounty! Not everyone is so lucky to have such healthy food on the table. “It is so important for everyone across the country to dare to be conscious and aware of the struggles of those around them,” reveals Sheryl Crow in Eating Well magazine.

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The Grammy Award-winning singer is working to stamp out hunger through the hunger-relief charity, Feeding America. Over 37 million people annually are fed thanks to the generosity, dedication, and hard work of this network of food banks. Want to donate or start a virtual food drive? Check out,

Eating Well magazine celebrates do-good stars in their November/December issue. Lauren Bush and Jeff Bridges are also singled out for their support of fight hunger charities.

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Lauren Bush-Lauren:

Lauren has been instrumental in providing more than 64 million healthy meals worldwide. She co-founded FEED Projects, which is supported by the sales of FEED’s canvas bags, which are designed by Lauren. “I thought creating a ‘FEED bag’– made of the same burlap as the World Food Program’s food drop bags– would be a compelling and tangible way for people to connect with the fight against hunger,” Lauren reveals to Eating Well. A single FEED 1 bag ($60) provides a year of school meals for one child in Africa. For more information, head to

Jeff Bridges:

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The Academy Award-winning actor takes on childhood hunger with Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry Campaign. The organization is dedicated to providing food that will help kids lead healthy, active lives. Bridges adds, “Our kids aren’t hungry because we lack food… our children are hungry because we’ve lacked a big-picture strategy to connect them to the nutritious food they need to grow and thrive.” Want to get involved? Take the No Kid Hungry Pledge or donate at

For information on Eating Well, head to

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