The Best Herbs for Water Retention
Normally, the kidneys filter water out of the body but sometimes too much water remains, causing bloating or swelling around the feet and ankles. This can lead to an uncomfortable heaviness. PMS is a frequent cause of fluid retention. Too much salt in the diet can also lead to excess fluids. Other possible factors include the use of some prescription medications, a poor diet and poor circulation.
Herbs for water retention can be used to help relieve the excess fluid, naturally. It is important to talk to your doctor about your use of herbs, and problems with water retention that have no obvious cause. Unexplained swelling or bloating can be a sign of a problem with kidney or circulatory health. Also, do not combine any of these herbs with diuretic medications.
Dandelion Leaf
Dandelion is one of the best diuretics that nature has to offer. It helps to reduce water retention, while also providing the body with nutrients, including potassium, magnesium and B vitamins. It is also known to help support kidney function. Dandelion leaf can be safely used to ease pre-menstrual bloating and it is also a general tonic for well-being. Enjoy a cup of dandelion leaf tea or eat fresh dandelion greens in a salad.
Yarrow is an excellent cleansing herb. As a diuretic, it encourages the release of fluids. It also helps to lower blood pressure by dilating peripheral blood vessels. Yarrow may be one of the best herbs for water retention when poor blood circulation is an issue. Yarrow also is a diaphoretic and antiseptic herb, often recommended for reducing a fever. Drink yarrow tea or take this herb in tincture form.
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