Forty Thousand Dollars Later
Are you a serial IM product buyer? Are you spending money left and right in hopes of finding the perfect internet business system? Do you have a habit of buying everything you can, hoping to find the one last piece of your profit puzzle?
You’re not the only one convinced that the only way to make money involves spending it in copious quantities. Countless people find themselves buying the latest and greatest new systems.
There’s nothing wrong with that, either. It’s entirely reasonable to invest in new strategies and tools to fine-tune your profitable IM enterprises. Investing in new materials to stay on top of a quickly developing industry is reasonable. However, there is a problem with running on the BUY NOW treadmill if you’re not making any money.
Buying new tools to stay ahead of the games is very different from desperately making purchases in hopes of finding base-level success.
You want to spend your money the smart way. You want to avoid being the serial buyer whose efforts only add to his or her debt.
The Right Kind of Purchase
How can you avoid dumping too much cash into things you don’t really need? The first step is creating a bedrock foundation for your IM business. If you ignore the bells and whistles, you’ll see the IM is really based on a few simple premises.
You need a product to sell. You need to have a strategy to sell that product. You need to secure traffic to the website you’ll be using to generate sales.
That’s it. All of what you do needs to relate directly to one or more of those core basics.
That means that you should start by building a solid foundation on all three fronts. Anything you buy as you’re building your business needs to address the construction of that foundation.
You must have a foundation that let’s you make money from home before you invest in extras, details, tricks or adjustments. When you have a foundation in place, you will make money. Then you can start experimenting with new ideas and products.
How to Build Your Foundation
You don’t need to spend big money to build a profitable foundation. Here’s a great approach to getting the job done.
- Get a smart, big picture understanding of Internet marketing. You need to learn how things work from someone who’s spent time in the trenches.
- Make traffic a top priority. Traffic is, as noted, one of the core elements to a successful online business. It’s probably the most important of those three elements. Until you have adequate traffic, you won’t be able to find out if your products are attractive or if your copy is converting. You need as much traffic as you can get–and you need it quickly.
- Discover a continuing source of support and guidance. A good ebook can be helpful. Solid tutorial videos are a great idea. However, developing a real relationship with a successful mentor is much more valuable than any ebook or video series. Quality ongoing coaching makes the learning curve less steep and prevents you from wasting time, energy and resources on things you don’t need.
- Don’t overexpose yourself. You need to build your foundation without putting too much of your limited resources at risk. Avoid overspending on the tools and information you need to build your business. Find a way to develop a valuable relationship with a personal business coach or mentor at a reasonable price.