Vegan - Interview with Heidi Woodruff, abolitionist activist recommends these products

Vegan – Interview with Heidi Woodruff, abolitionist activist

In celebration of World Vegan Month, I will be hosting a collection of interviews with vegan abolitionists from across the globe.  I’m excited to have this opportunity to showcase vegan activists and give a face to our beautiful movement.  Be sure to check back for regular installments throughout the month of November.

Today’s featured vegan abolitionist is Heidi Woodruff of Queensland, Australia.

Heidi, tell us a little about yourself…

My name is Heidi Woodruff and I have been vegan for four and a half years. I went vegan after watching the Jamie Oliver “Chicken” special, where he showed baby male chicks being gassed and the horrendous conditions caged birds lived in. He also showed how many free range chickens were not really “free” at all. At the end of the show he cooked and served a “free range” chicken – by this stage I was appalled, and couldn’t understand how he could kill an intelligent animal.  I realised that there is really no moral difference between Sam the Jack Russell, my running partner, and a pig or a cow. I consider myself an abolitionist vegan as I want to abolish all animal use, not just reform the abuse.


What do you think should be the focus of the non-human animal rights movement?

We should focus on helping more people realize the moral necessity to go vegan.  If you think it is wrong to harm animals unnecessarily (and just about everyone does), and you know that you don’t need to eat meat, dairy or eggs, or wear leather to survive; how can you possibly justify continuing to consume animal products?  Two of my friends have gone vegan in the last week, after discussions with me! I spend my time trying to educate others about veganism through Facebook, forums, discussions and giving away vegan books, such as Introduction to Animal Rights:  Your Child or the Dog, The 30 Day Vegan Challenge, and The China Study to my friends and family.

What are some of the biggest obstacles to reaching our goals?

Many people I talk to think there is no problem with consuming animals as long as they are from “humane” or “free range” farms.  I think this myth is perpetuated by many of the large animal welfare groups.  For example, Animals Australia wasted a huge opportunity recently with the whole “Live Export” issue.  After airing the appalling footage of the treatment of cows in Indonesia, 200,000 Australians were upset enough to contact their MP’s.  Imagine if Animals Australia had spent their time and money telling people “Stop All Animal Use – Go Vegan” instead of “Stop Animal Cruelty to Australian Cows in Indonesia – Ban Live Export”. We could have thousands and thousands more vegans in Australia right now!

What are your other interests and activities?

I have lots of different interests and hobbies that keep me busy. I am the mother of two teenagers, I am a musician and Double Bass player and I work as the Director of Music at a private school.  I also volunteer as a Surf Lifesaver on the weekend. I like to run with Sam the Jack Russell, he never gets tired! I like cooking delicious vegan food for my friends and family – you can’t make friends with salad, but you can make friends with vegan cupcakes!  I feel joy every day when I run on the beach with Sam and hear the birds and other animals, and I know that I do my best not to hurt any of them.

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