Using Web Audio for Success

There is no doubt that web page audio significantly increases results. If you’re not using audio on your sites, you’re making a mistake. Adding it raises your opt-in conversions. And your sales.

Why does it work?

It’s not hard to figure out. Most of the web is cold and impersonal. It adds a human touch to your site. It also makes your site feel more real. In short, it makes your site come alive. And people like to interact with things that are alive!

Here are the benefits

Adding audio increases your profits in two ways. You will close more sales. And you’ll spend less getting those customers. Instead of having to pay a professional to write you a great sales letter. Simply record an audio message yourself. Your visitors will respond better to a heart-felt message from you than some fancy copywriting.

And you will increase your subscriber opt-in rate. The reason this works so well is because people need to be told what to do. Just add a short audio message saying: Fill in your name and email and click submit. That alone can increase opt-in rates up to 310%!

Some ways to use audio

A welcome message on your homepage. A warm welcome can be the deciding factor. Your welcome message could make them stay when they would normally leave.

Step-by-step instructions. The same principle the we used to boost opt-ins applies. You can use audio to tell your visitors exactly what to do. That includes filling in your order form!

Product testimonials are great. It’s good to get written testimonials. But an audio testimonial is better. It’s much hard to fake an audio testimonial. So audio adds real believability. And that increases your results.

Power tip

Did you ever think of making a product just by recording some audio? This is by far the easiest content to produce. Plus people love audio products. Podcasts are still popular, so this is a great format. And once you record the audio, you can pay someone to transcribe it for you. Then you’ve got an eBook, too – but it was easy to create!

How hard is adding audio?

It’s actually really easy. There’s software that will show you how to add audio to a website. You don’t actually have to do anything yourself. The software records the audio, creates the button code, etc. Just paste the code you copy from the software. So don’t let this stop you.


Let’s take another look at the benefits. Setting up some web audio will do wonders for all your results. You’ll get more sales. You’ll get more subscribers. And you can quickly produce products and website sales copy. No many people are doing this. But you’ll save a lot of time and money. Get started right now and realize instant results.

Web hosting
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