Herbs That Can Lower Blood Sugar

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Herbs That Can Lower Blood Sugar

Some herbs may help lower blood sugar, one of the primary symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. This list is summarized from a chapter on herbs in my book Alternative Therapies for Managing Diabetes.

The herbs listed below will not cure diabetes but may help in symptom management. Use of these herbs with diabetes medications may require dosages of diabetes pills and insulin to be adjusted. When using herbal medicines, people with diabetes should disclose what they’re doing to their medical doctor and monitor blood sugar levels carefully.

Several herbs have a documented effect on blood sugar, blood pressure, and other symptoms of diabetes. However, there is no herbal substitute for insulin.

Some herbs to consider include aloe vera, alfalfa, astralagus, bilberry, bitter melon, burdock, cayenne, dandelion, fenugreek, gingko biloba, ginseng, glucomannan, Gosha-jinki-gan, guar, gymnema, hawthorn, milk thistle, neem, psyllium, and saltbush. Valerian root, an old herbal remedy, can be useful as an aid to sleep.

Caution is necessary when considering the use of herbs and herbal medicines. Herbal medicines and supplements have documented problems of purity and standardization not encountered with pharmaceutical medications which are strictly controlled. Some products contain considerably more or less active material than listed on the labels, so purchase from reliable manufacturers.

Other Healthy Herbs

Cinnamon, cloves and nutmeg are the flavors of fall.

But more than adding a little zip to your cider, spices and herbs can also give food a nutritional boost.

Here are seven of my favorite germ-fighting, inflammation-reducing flavors to add to fall and winter meals.

Cinnamon • Studies have shown that this spice helps regulate blood sugar levels in diabetics. It activates enzymes that stimulate cells, causing them to respond more efficiently to insulin. Cinnamon also contains antioxidants that can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and has proven helpful in treating colds and congestion.

Oregano • This herb has many antibacterial properties, is high in antioxidants and carries important vitamins and minerals including vitamin K, iron and manganese. If you feel like you are getting a cold, reach for the oregano even before vitamin C pills. Better yet, incorporate fresh oregano into your meals as a prevention measure. The North American Herb and Spice Company makes an oregano oil that is helpful when traveling.

Cloves • This pungent dark spice probably isn’t used as often as it should be. Studies have shown that cloves contain more antioxidants than any other food and are prized for their anti-inflammatory and anti-clotting properties. Experiment with food from India, which often contains cloves, or add cloves when baking fall fruits such as apples and pears.

Ginger • With the winter winds come the sniffles. Some of your best medicine might be a little ginger tea or a few extra ginger slices to go with that sushi. It’s well known for boosting the immune system, improving circulation and reducing motion sickness and nausea. Make fresh ginger tea by boiling several thin slices of fresh ginger with honey and filtered water.

Nutmeg • The ancient Romans and Greeks consumed nutmeg as a type of brain tonic. Modern science has shown that its properties can effectively stimulate your brain and in turn can help eliminate fatigue and stress. What better spice to help you survive the holiday stress?

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4 thoughts on “Herbs That Can Lower Blood Sugar

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