Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces New Program For Those Thinking of Bariatric Surgery or Lap Band Surgery recommends these products

Diet Doc HCG Diet & Weight Loss Announces New Program For Those Thinking of Bariatric Surgery or Lap Band Surgery

Insurance requirements state that before bariatric surgery or lap band is approved, the patient must complete a documented, weight loss program. If that program fails, the patient is approved for bariatric surgery or lap band surgery. Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss wants to work with these people to avoid risky surgery as an option.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 23, 2011

HCG Diet Doc has created a new program specifically for people considering bariatric surgery or lap band surgery.

Many people come to Diet Doc Weight Loss who failed with past diets. This is because weight loss is a medical condition requiring a weight loss doctor to manage the weight loss. This type of training is not something a regular doctor or even a bariatric surgeon understands. This is specialized training in nutrition, the benefits of vitamins and supplements to name a few. Weight loss physician training is unique and not taught in medical school explains, Julie Wright, President of Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss.

Julie shared with us a true story of a bariatric surgeon who called HCG Diet Doc as she was looking to add a documented diet to her practice. People must demonstrate that they have tried another diet and failed before insurance will approve the bariatric surgery or lap band surgery. When the doctor learned that all people on the Diet Doc Weight Loss Program would lose at least 1/2 pound to 1 pound per day, she said HCG Diet Doc wasn’t what she was looking for as she would lose the millions she made doing bariatric and lap band surgeries.

This is the problem that people are left to resort to dangerous surgeries, when we can help anyone who comes our way. Diet Doc can handle the problem situations where people have failed over and over again with other types of diets. Each person’s health history is reviewed by our weight loss doctor and then a customized, personalized diet is created along with a master diet and two clinically proven to burn fat support products into a program that is highly effective and safe. Diet Doc offers a guarantee as well. If your diet is followed and you don’t lose weight, you are refunded. It doesn’t get any better than that reports Wright.

Diet Doc only uses prescription HCG which is 100% pure HCG and should only be bought after a doctor evaluates your health history to make sure you are a good candidate to take this medication. The reason for a health evaluation is not because HCG causes concerning side effects, but there are health conditions that would disqualify someone from receiving. Those are: severe liver and kidney disease; prior/active cancer; and certain blood clotting disorders.

Once the doctor approves you to receive HCG, an individual diet is formulated for each person based on their health history, age, gender, lifestyle and preferences. Example, someone who works out would be given a diet higher in protein than someone who has a desk job and doesn’t exercise. People who indicate on their new patient paperwork answers that lead the doctor to believe there could be underlying blood sugar issues, will be asked to remove fruit from their diet as any sugar whatsoever could cause the weight loss to slow down by half. People whose answers indicate they might have an underlying thyroid condition might be given a prescription-grade, natural, thyroid support as part of their program. The list goes on…..

HCG Diet Doc then combines the personalized diet along with our master diet and clinically proven weight loss shakes and weight loss oil (to make salad dressing and for cooking) into the most powerful diet program in America today, capable of shaving up to 1 pound per day. We guarantee that people will lose weight on the Diet Doc HCG Diet Weight Loss Program!

This could very well be your last diet ever!


Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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