Seattle Sutton launching weight loss competition recommends these products

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Seattle Sutton launching weight loss competition

Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating is looking to reward a few persistent people in La Salle County.

The Ottawa-based home delivery meal provider is launching a weight loss competition called Seattle Sutton’s 2012 Slim Down Contest.

Ten people will be chosen to participate. Registration starts Wednesday, Oct. 26, and ends Tuesday, Nov. 15. Applicants will be asked why they should be chosen to compete. The chosen contestants will be notified by Wednesday, Dec. 21.

Registration will require answering a brief questionnaire, providing a recent nonreturnable photo and telling their story about why they should be chosen. Registration will be through, mailing or dropping off registration at the offices of Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating Ottawa location, 611 E. Stevenson Road.

“We want someone who really is interested in weight loss and who is serious about it,” said Sarah Borgstrom, Seattle Sutton Healthy Eating marketing director.

The contestants will begin the contest Monday, Jan. 9, and the final weigh-in will be Monday, April 23. Contestants will weigh in every Monday at Sutton’s Ottawa office. They also will receive free lab work at the beginning of the contest and conclusion to measure cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, A1C and have their blood pressure taken as well.

During the competition, Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating will provide 21 meals per week at no cost to the contestants. The meals average 1,200 calories per day. At the initial weigh-in, two Ottawa Regional Hospital dietitians will speak to the contestants regarding the importance of good nutrition and answer any questions they may have.

“We know that with just sticking to (Seattle Sutton’s) healthy meals, they will have success; however, we do encourage them to be active along with it.”

The winner will be determined by the person who loses the most weight based on percentage of body weight.

First place is $1,500 cash from Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating, second place is a trip for two including airfare and a three-night hotel stay in Las Vegas provided by WCMY-AM radio and SS Travel, third place will receive a one-year Ottawa YMCA membership sponsored by the YMCA; and fourth place will receive an overnight package sponsored by All Points Travel of Ottawa, including dinner, drinks and breakfast, at The Lodge Hotel and Conference Center in Bettendorf, Iowa.

In 2010, Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating ran a successful weight loss contest in the Chicago area and Northwest Indiana, in which 10 contestants lost a total of 372 pounds in 14 weeks.

“We want to give La Salle County residents the opportunity for a similar contest,” Borgstrom said.

Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and live in La Salle County to be eligible.

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