Gluten Free Journey: and the return to normality for just one night ..... recommends these products

Gluten Free Journey: and the return to normality for just one night …..

Dear reader, I have neglected you for a long time while I have languished in the sad alternative world where my problems with food have dominated. No longer do I live in a world where I am only intolerant of gluten, I am now intolerant of more foods and currently I don’t really know what I can eat and what I can’t eat. I do know that processed foods are a problem and I do know that fruits and vegetables do not exasperate my symptoms, so if all else fails I have my fruits and vegetables to fall back on. Happy was I in those dimming days when I was only sick if I ate gluten or had a stomach bug, it was so easy then, compared to now!

In the past my symptoms have been more or less contained within the gastro-intestinal system, so we won’t go into that, will we …….!! Now I also have neurological symptoms which may or may not be connected to the increase in my food issues

When it gets that bad there is but one solution and that is to make things really simple, so that is what I have done, so with the help of a friend I have been embracing the complicated world of macrobiotics. The friends name is Paul and sometimes when he can’t see me, I go out for a normal (what is normal – I don’t know anymore) gluten free meal ..!!

So this evening while Paul couldn’t see me I went to Abarbistro who can be found at 58 White Hart Road, Old Portsmouth, Hampshire PO1 2JA

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The delights of Houmass, babaganash and gluten free toasted bread. Quite a surprise, I can say in honesty that I have never eaten houmass in a restaurant of cafe before, they never have the gluten free bread

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Roasted belly of pork with crackling, this has to be one of my all time favourite meals and it was cooked beautifully!

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Classic …. brulee, what more can a girl want!

Back to reality tommorrow, but for one evening I escaped my food prison and was just a girl that is gluten free :)

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Gluten free Recipes with Bill & Sheila

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