Alternative Medicine – Head-In-The-Sand Medicine: To Test Or Not To Test recommends these products

Alternative Medicine – Head-In-The-Sand Medicine: To Test Or Not To Test

In recommending against PSA tests for early signs of prostate cancer, the United States Preventive Services Task Force has struck another blow for a head-in-the-sand approach to early detection of fatal illnesses. At least that posture may be more appropriate than for their previous recommendation to reduce mammograms for breast cancer detection.

I smell a rat here. More and more we are being told by the experts from on high — experts who influence medical groups and insurance companies, including Medicare — to reduce preventative testing and take our chances on life or death. The elites ridiculed those of us who worried about pulling the plug on Grandma as a cost-saving measure during the Obama-care debate. Now Grandpa is in the cross hairs.

According to recent press reports, the task force claims that for men older than 70, there would be no mortality effect of no early detection. For men age 50 to 69, the reduction in mortality is small to none. We are advised to wait for “clinical detection” and avoid the risks of “over detection.” They don’t say how we get to second base without rounding first.

I’m not sure how many forms of “clinical detection” there are, but I think I know of one — one not done with the head in the sand, but close. If there are other alternatives, I’d like to know about them. As for the risks of “over detection,” I can’t image a more Orwellian term. Are these people serious? Over detection?

What are these risks of over detection? Well, there is a reference to the pain of the test itself, presumably the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test. What am I missing here? When you get a vial of blood drawn during a routine physical examination, the doctor has the lab do various tests on it, including or not including a PSA test. The pain of the needle is the same either way. There is no pain unique to the PSA test.

They also cite the emotional trauma of a false positive, which would lead to other tests. The initial test might indicate a problem that later proves to be a false alarm, so we would have worried needlessly. OK, I wouldn’t want to go through that, but what is the alternative? The possible alternative is a false negative that leads to no further testing while the thing grows. Not testing at all eliminates false negatives as well as false positives. I don’t get the logic that not testing is better.

Then there is the pain and potential negative side effects of treatment after a problem is detected and confirmed by subsequent testing. Since some prostrate cancers are slow growing, we might be able to ignore them, and live until something else gets us. OK, but not all prostate cancers are slow growing.

I’m sorry folks, but this whole thing makes no sense unless we assume there is a larger agenda that has more to do with national health care policies than our individual desires to live forever. We are well on our way to socialized medicine and this is just one more step — a giant step–in that direction.

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