Mischa Barton Bests Lady Gaga: Eats Raw Meat Instead of Wearing It

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Mischa Barton Bests Lady Gaga: Eats Raw Meat Instead of Wearing It

Lady Gaga definitely got a lot of media attention for her raw meat dress at the 2011 MTV Video Music Awards. Perhaps that’s why Mischa Barton (yes, that Mischa Barton) agreed to a photo shoot involving raw meat. Except that Lady Gaga just wore the beef. She wasn’t crazy enough to actually eat it like Mischa did.

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The carnivorous photos were all Tyler Shields‘ idea. He’s the sensation-seeking photographer best known for his bloody crime scenes with a gun-wielding Lindsay Lohan and his domestic abuse themed photos of Glee star Heather Morris. Seems he got Mischa to chow down on raw beef after he had lunch with the former starlet at – appropriately — an In-N-Out burger joint. He told her at the shoot the next day that he was going to put meat on her face and that she had to eat it raw. Barton initially asked if she could get sick from eating raw beef but when Tyler assured her that she could only get sick from raw chicken, she took the bait.

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“She was ripping that steak apart — I had to tone her down,” Shields told HuffPo.

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Actually, Shields is incorrect about the safety and sanity of devouring raw steak. There are plenty of dangers in eating raw meat such as salmonella and E-Coli. E-Coli is most common in ground beef but may also be present on the cut side of the raw steak, exposed to the bacteria during the slaughtering process.  According to the USDA, any raw food of animal origin,  meat, poultry, milk and dairy products, eggs, seafood, and even some fruits and vegetables may carry Salmonella bacteria. Bacteria can survive if meat, poultry, and egg products are not cooked to a safe minimum internal temperature.

Believe it or not, you can see Mischa Barton’s meat pics on display at the Imitate Modern gallery in London. Not enough Frequent Flier miles? Then check them out on TylerShields.com

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