Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss recommends these products

The HCG Diet

Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss

Diet Doc hCG Diet Weight Loss announces a comprehensive menu of weight loss programs for a variety of health conditions and diseases. In order for weight loss to be most effective, it’s important that each individuals health condition be considered. Weight loss is a complex, medical condition that requires an experienced weight loss doctor.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 11, 2011

Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss announces diets specific to a variety of health conditions and diseases. Diet Doc is comprised of a team of doctors who are highly trained in the field of medically, supervised weight loss.

Doctors in general only receive the equivalent of 10 hours of training in weight loss and nutrition. Diet Doc reports that many people simply don’t understand that doctors do not have the medical training to treat obesity. Bariatric surgeons are skilled at surgery. What about the majority of people who do not want to resort to a Lapband or bariatric surgery? The answer is those individuals need to seek out a doctor whose core business is weight loss and not surgery promotion reports Julie Wright, president of Diet Doc.

Diet Doc personalizes the diet for each person based on the doctor’s review of their health history, lifestyle, gender, age and preference. Add to this, 4 other weight loss programs and products wrapped into a powerful weight loss program specific to each person. This is how they are able to realize up to one pound of weight loss per day.

The Diet Doc products are unique and cannot be found in stores. The Diet Doc Doctors formulated a powerful, weight loss shake along with other proprietary weight loss products. When added to the Diet Doc hCG Diet that is personalized for each person, the effects are losing 1 pound of weight per day without losing muscle, without abnormal hunger or fatigue.

Diet for Cardiovascular Patients: The body makes triglycerides from sugar, not fat and that preventing insulin from spiking will dramatically slow down this conversion. Using the hCG diet for weight loss can dramatically improve insulin and triglyceride levels, along with favorable changes to cholesterol because of the careful monitoring of carbohydrates. Using the Diet Doc hCG Diet targets the visceral or abdominal fat, and so, can help heart patients dramatically reduce their risk factors.

Diet Doc hCG Diet carefully monitors the metabolic level of ketosis to ensure a range optimal for insulin reduction without inducing heavy protein loss. Ketogenic diets have been shown to modify the risk factors of heart disease in obese patients.

Diet Doc hCG Diet for people with Metabolic Syndrome: Patients with metabolic syndrome, whose blood panels show the red flags associated with heart disease from high insulin, hyperlipidemia and hypertension. By reducing visceral fat and attaining a healthy weight these patients are able to reverse many of the risk factors associated with heart disease.

Diet Doc hCG Diet for Diabetics: If a person reduces calories, they initially lose a lot of water weight, but no fat. The reason for this failure to initially induce fat loss is that chronically high insulin levels preclude the release of fat from storage in the body. Since insulin blocks the release of fat, the body first sheds water and burns up any protein reserves, which results in a quick reduction of body weight, but virtually no fat loss. Hyperinsulinemia, or too much insulin, is also responsible for exaggerated hunger and craving for fat and sugar.

Diet Doc hCG Diet for Thyroid Problems: Diet Doc hCG Diet is different than other weight loss programs. hCG doctors explain to patients that other metabolic adjustments that the body makes in response to lower caloric intake can make it impossible to lose weight. People respond to a drop in food intake by immediately lowering an enzyme which converts the inactive T4 thyroid hormone into the active T3 thyroid hormone. Reduction of the T3 levels cause conservation of calories, meaning that the body automatically burns fewer calories at rest. So, the minute a person cuts calories, whether they are from carbohydrates, proteins, or fats, they turn down the rate at which calories are burned.

Diet Doc hCG Diet for People with Life-Long Weight Problems: Many people experience life-long weight problems, many more find themselves beginning to gain weight as they age. The normal changes of aging that make it easy for people to gain weight include alterations in endocrine hormone levels. Besides changes in thyroid an insulin levels already mentioned, changes in levels of cortisol, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and growth hormone can all favor fat gain as we age. Without addressing these complex hormone changes, weight loss can prove to be quite difficult.

These are many of the complex areas we uncover during our medically, supervised Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss services.


Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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