Certified Steak and Seafood promotes the consumption of sustainable seafood

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Certified Steak and Seafood promotes the consumption of sustainable seafood

Jacksonville, FL (PRWEB) October 06, 2011

Certified Steak and Seafood (CSS) is supporting National Seafood Month in October by reminding people that eating healthy doesn’t have to be a chore. There are many dishes that can be made delicious and healthy by just making them with seafood. Whether it’s adding it to a recipe or making it the main course, seafood can truly enhance the nutritional value of any meal. Not only does seafood have an awesome amount of nutrients that are essential for our body’s automated functions, but many of these are not naturally produced by us, therefore we must simply get them from our diet.

Most of us don’t consciously think about which nutrients are going into our bodies when we eat a meal. We simply just eat! The great thing about seafood is that, people don’t have to wonder about how healthy it is, because it just is! Seafood is remarkably rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

The latter is what we’d like to really focus on. These are the Omega-3 fatty acids that everyone already knows about. So what’s the big deal? Well, these are needed to reduce inflammation everywhere and anywhere in the body. Other key functions of these essential nutrients are; keeping appetite under control, reducing bad cholesterol, and preventing several unpleasant conditions such as blood clots, cancer, depression, obesity, fatigue, etc…

With so many health benefits, eating seafood twice a week should be easy! Here’s another plus, it is extremely quick and easy to cook. Anyone can create delicious entrees with any seafood product by just placing it on the pan or grill for a few minutes and adding a bit of lime. And, since trusting the seafood source is just as important, Certified Steak & Seafood is doing their part by offering 50% off all of their seafood selections for the entire month! Because people don’t want to “think” they’re eating clean seafood, they want to “know” they are.

About Certified Steak and Seafood Company

First and foremost, CSS is committed to offering consumers a better value and a better shopping experience than they could find anywhere else, with a quality process that is unmatched by any other steak and seafood retailer. For more information on CSS, visit our website at certifiedsteakandseafood.com or send an e-mail to Kevin Cook at kcook(at)certifiedsteakandseafood(dot)com.
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Kevin Cook
Certified Steak & Seafood
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