Queen invites 100,000 to Barbecue

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Queen invites 100,000 to Barbecue

A giant Aussie barbecue on Perth’s foreshore will be the WA public’s big chance to see the Queen during her first visit to the State in more than 10 years.
About 100,000 people are expected at the public event in Langley Park on Saturday, October 29 when the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will mingle with the crowd and enjoy a sausage in a bun.

The image of thousands of West Australians milling around hundreds of barbecues on the foreshore will be the last picture the Queen has of Australia before she leaves the country, possibly for the last time.

The Queen’s itinerary for her trip to Australia and Perth for the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting was released by Buckingham Palace last night.

As well as the barbecue and official duties at CHOGM, she will visit Clontarf Aboriginal College to look over programs the school runs and attend a garden party at Government House for 1800 invited guests.

Saturday’s “Big Aussie Barbecue” and a slow motorcade to the CHOGM opening ceremony on Friday will be the only two times ordinary West Australians will get to see the royal couple.

It is understood Premier Colin Barnett raised the idea of a public barbecue with the Queen during his visit to Buckingham Palace in June.

The Queen is believed to have liked the idea as a fun way to finish her trip.

The barbecue will hold a special place in royal history because Her Majesty has never done anything as informal and casual.

It will also show off Perth’s skyline and riverfront to the world’s media.

Mr Barnett said the barbecue would be a highlight of the royal couple’s State visit.

“Numerous barbecue stalls will be located throughout the area and volunteers will be cooking sausages which can be bought via a gold coin donation,” he said.

“This is our opportunity to truly showcase Western Australia – our people, our food, our hospitality – to the royal couple and the world through the international media.”

Clontarf Foundation chief executive Gerard Neesham said the organisation was thrilled to be signalled out for a royal visit.

“It truly is a great honour,” he said. “We will give her a tour and the boys will play a footy match for her. “The royal whistle will be there if she wishes to umpire as well.”

In Canberra, the royal couple will visit Governor-General Quentin Bryce, Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Opposition Leader Tony Abbott.

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