I Grow Natural - Healing From the Ground Up!

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I Grow Natural – Healing From the Ground Up!

PRLog (Press Release)Oct 06, 2011 – For years our ancestors have known about the healing properties of certain herbs and spices. When people took ill there were no antibiotics to cure an infection -so what did they take to fight bacterial infections and virus? Did you now that garlic is a natural antibiotic that has been used as far back as the Egyptians?  Another effective herb comes from a simple flower. This beautiful purple flower has the ability to stimulate the body’s healing capabilities. Another interesting factor is that it can actually heal physical wounds when placed in top of the wound. You can read more about the power of Echinacea by reading Lee’s blog articles here at: http://www.igrownatural.com/?p=. This flower also known as the cone flower was for measles, diphtheria, chickenpox, meningitis, malaria, scarlet fever, gangrene, syphilis, snake bites, bug bites, and burns. Today more people are going back to nature. Millions of Americans do not have health insurance, so they have been forced to find alternative methods to fight illness and keep healthy. Did you know that the licorice you loved as a child also has healing properties?  Licorice root has amazing healing properties from the ability to help with heartburn to alleviating a cough. If you suffer from arthritis then licorice may help alleviate some of your pain. Folks who suffer from Lupus have reported that licorice helps with dome discomfort form the disease. If you want to learn more about the amazing healing properties of licorice, you are invited to read Lee’s blog article at:  http://www.igrownatural.com/?p=377.

If you like oregano then you may find it interesting to know what this magic spice can do for your health. Before morphine there was oregano. Oregano can be used as a pin killer reducing inflammation. In oil form oregano works as a fungicide to treat yeast infections. The list goes on and on from treating irritable bowl syndrome to chronic fatigue. You can learn more by visiting lee’s blog-site at: http://www.igrownatural.com/?p=339 . Who would have thought that something as simple as a spice sitting in your spice cabinet would have such powerful healing qualities? If you make this into a tea the herb can also help with diarrhea, cough, indigestion, and other common aliments. Next time you or someone you know has the flu try taking some oregano to relieve symptoms of headache, swollen glands, and overall soreness that accompanies this nasty illness.

There are all kinds of concoctions you can create using natural herbs provided by Mother Nature. You do not have to spend a ton of money and most of these herbs are probably sitting inside one of your kitchen cabinets. You can even grow some of these herbs at home. Don’t forget to eat healthy as well. If you switch to eating organic foods you will feel better and your body will thank you for it. There is plenty of information on Lees’ blog-site. Take your time and read what he and his family have to offer. Log on to: http://www.igrownatural.com/ for a healthier you today and for years to come.

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