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Diet Doc hCG Diet & Weight Loss

Diet Doc hCG Diet Weight Loss announces new discovery using Phentermine for weight loss. Is Phentermine a safe alternative for weight loss? New information revealed.

Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 04, 2011

Diet Doc hCG Diet Weight Loss Programs evaluated the most sought after prescription and non-prescription weight loss aids available. The findings using Phentermine for weight loss are stagging reports Dr. Rao, medical director of Diet Doc.

Phentermine, often sold under the brand names Adipex-P, Oby-Cap, T-Diet or Zantryl is a stimulant which acts on the central nervous system to suppress appetite for weight loss. The drug is combined with a low calorie diet and because of its hunger suppressing qualities is purported to allow people to restrict calories to help with weight loss.

Phentermine was also one of the drugs in Phen-Fen, popular in the mid 90’s which ended up costing Wyeth, the drug manufacturer over $21 billion dollars due to the high rate of heart valve problems and ensuing law suits which were associated with the drug.

Many people who still use phentermine today for weight loss don’t realize the effects it can have on the nervous system, and rarely do people use them for the short periods of time they’re intended for. Phentermine stimulates neurons to release high amounts of neurotransmitters called catecholamines (norepinephrine in particular). These neurotransmitters stimulate the nervous system and increase blood pressure, elevate heart rate, restlessness and insomnia.

Phentermine has to be combined with a low calorie diet to experience weight loss and which is why it suppresses appetite. The major issue with this and with appetite suppressants in general is that even though you don’t feel hungry, your caloric needs haven’t changed and so the body has to create energy from somewhere. The issue with diets associated with phentermine is that they don’t spare lean muscle because the body is often in a state called gluconeogenesis where its breaking down amino acids to make glucose for energy as a pose to breaking down fat to make ketones.

Suppressing a dieters appetite also prevents medical professionals from being able to properly gauge whether or not a person is going into starvation mode which is the quickest way to lose muscle mass.

The best calorie restricted diet which does spare lean muscle and has an overall positive impact on metabolism is the HCG diet for weight loss. HCG acts to increase access to fat reserves to make ketones during calorie restriction, and so the daily caloric needs are still being met and gluconeogenesis is avoided. There is no rebound effect because metabolism isn’t slowed and lean muscle is spared.

Phentermine comes with many undesirable side effects and the weight lost experienced is only about half of that on a medically supervised HCG diet. Appetite suppressants don’t create sustainable, long term weight loss, and are very prone to rebound weight gain.


Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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