Now, that's what I call a cats nap! Delightful images of kittens catching 40 winks recommends these products

Daily Mail Reporter

Last updated at 11:06 PM on 2nd October 2011

Now, that’s what I call a cats nap! Delightful images of kittens catching 40 winks

Some will be dreaming of a bowl of milk, others of a tussle with a ball of string.

After the overwhelming response from readers to pictures of snoozing pups in the Mail last month, meet the kittens catching 40 winks — as opposed to mice.

As you can see, they’re all in a state of purr-fect bliss?.?.?.

Paws for reflection: You wouldn't expect an aristocat like me to sleep in a basket - I'm feline fine right where I am

Paws for reflection: You wouldn’t expect an aristocat like me to sleep in a basket – I’m feline fine right where I am

Catatonic: With any luck, I can stretch this nap out for a little longer . . .

Catatonic: With any luck, I can stretch this nap out for a little longer . . .

That darn cat: Playing with wool is exhausting


That darn cat: Playing with wool is exhausting and right, in this house, I’m part of the furniture

Cat's whiskers: I'm having a lovely dream all about sardines

Cats whiskers: I’m having a lovely dream all about sardines

Bear hug: Teddy and I are just close friends

That¿s enough cataloguing: I¿ll look for that DVD of Cats later

Bear hug: Teddy and I are just close friends, and right, that’s enough cataloguing: I’ll look for that Cats DVD later

I'm Tom, he's Jerry: And you won't hear a squeak out of us for a while

I’m Tom, he’s Jerry: And you won’t hear a squeak out of us for a while

From last month's Daily Mail

From last month’s Daily Mail

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Here’s what readers have had to say so far. Why not add your thoughts below,
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Cats are the most beautiful, intelligent, loving animals on this earth. As I sit here one is squeezed on my lap purring his head off, what other creature woud be as loving as that? But sadly in Australia they are hated and I can’t let them out whatsoever for fear of their safety. But from some of the comments when animals things come up when I return to England with them this year I guess I will have to do the same there. I will do anything for my cats in part because they will do anything for me. I feel sad for people who hate them because they obviousy have never got to know a cat in their lives and are missing out on so much. It’s cynicism and hate out of sheer ignorance and spiteful natures.

Cats are the most beautiful creatures. I can’t believe anyone would want to hurt them, it makes me so mad when I hear cruel stories about them (or any animal for that matter). I have two who are my babies and keep me entertained as well as my friends when they pop over. Cats and other animals are all just beautiful creatures and deserve to enjoy a loving life just as every adult does……except for animal haters!

absolutely delightful pictures!

Sooooo cute, if these pics don’t make yo u smile you are dead inside! My cat Newton sits like a human whilst cleaning his legs and privates, so funny and no, you can’t pose a cat! Sometimes when he is finished cleaning himself, he just sits there with his legs out like a person for ages…wish I could post a pic here.

I tasted cat in China. It tastes very much like Rabbit.

Ohh, yes, please!! I love all kittens and cats. My cat loves marmite. ‘No Heaven will not ever Heaven be, unless my cats are there to welcome me.’
- Orion, Orionspit, 3/10/2011 19:30 – My male Bengal’s lastest fad is Tesco’s jam doughnuts. If He sees you take one out of the bag He’s at you screaming like a banshee until He gets a bite.

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One thought on “Now, that's what I call a cats nap! Delightful images of kittens catching 40 winks

  1. Really appreciate you sharing this post.Really looking forward to read more. Awesome.

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