Goddesses of beer

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Spices give Ninkasi’s Angel its full taste.

Goddesses of beer

Female brewers are creating a flavour all their own, writes James Smith.

CHOCOLATE porters, citrusy pales, spicy farmhouse ales and fruity pilsners – the growth of craft beer, with its diverse styles and flavours, is winning over even the staunchest of the ”I don’t like beer” crowd.

Many converts are women. This change has been brought about not by attempts to woo them with beers that are light on flavour and heavy on imagery but by the rise of beer bars, where both sexes feel comfortable, and an awareness that the female palate can enjoy a full-flavoured beer as well as a good wine.

Now a group of female brewers and brewery owners from across Victoria have collaborated to create a one-off beer for charity. They first came together for a stage show at the Thornbury Theatre during this year’s Melbourne Food and Wine Festival but, since then, one has launched Barley’s Angels, a beer-appreciation group for women, while another has founded Australia’s first all-female brewing company.

]Sam Fuss of True South Brewery with her Mint Ninja beer.

True South’s Sam Fuss.

”We had a great time at the Food and Wine Festival event, so I put it out there and said we should make a beer together,” says Sam Fu¨ss, brewer at True South in Black Rock.

Along with Sydney-based beer educator Kirrily ”Beer Diva” Waldhorn, she brought together female brewers and brewery owners from Red Hill, Matilda Bay, Hargreaves Hill and Mountain Goat to create a one-off beer. Ninkasi’s Angel was named after the ancient Sumerian goddess of beer and brewed at True South in July.

The result is a 7.9 per cent tripel – a strong, pale Belgian style – featuring cardamom, cassia bark, Tasmanian pepperberry, grains of paradise and naked oats. The beer is due for release this month, with profits going to the breast cancer support charity the McGrath Foundation.

Two Birds Brewing's Jayne Lewis.

Two Birds Brewing’s Jayne Lewis. Photo: Steve Lightfoot

”We wanted a beer that was stylish and reflected our personalities, something cheeky and bold, but also something that showcases what you can do with beer,” Fu¨ss says. ”The brew day was a great way to showcase beer to women but also to involve them in the process.”

Former Mountain Goat head brewer Jayne Lewis was among those taking part. She has since established Two Birds Brewing, which will release its first beer this month.

”There’s a group of us who have been on … not quite a rampage but an educational mission to expose females to different beers and different tastes,” she says. ”I thought I hated beer until I had my first Coopers Sparkling and realised there were a lot of options out there.

Ninkasi's Angel beer.

Ninkasi’s Angel. Photo: Craig Abraham

”Two Birds came about because I’ve been in the industry a while and wanted to get out on my own. [Business partner] Danielle [Allen] and I travelled together to the States last year. She said she’d like to start her own business so we decided to do it together.”

For now, they are brewing at Southern Bay in Geelong but they plan to open their own brewery in the future. Their first release is a golden ale.

”The name is a bit of fun, a product of us not taking ourselves too seriously,” Lewis says. ”The aim is to make beers that are approachable and easy-drinking, something that has flavour that people can hopefully relate to and get into.”

Ninkasi’s Angel will be launched at The Local Taphouse in St Kilda on October 25.

See twobirdsbrewing.com.au.

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