Diet Doc Announces The Best Weight Loss Program for Woman Over 40 Diet
Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss created a new, unique diet program for woman over 40 years of age. No diet will provide maximum results if it’s the same diet for each person. In order to achieve maximum weight loss results, Diet Doc creates a diet for each person based on their health history, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences. This approach turns out to be the best weight loss program for women over 40.
Seattle, WA (PRWEB) September 29, 2011
Diet Doc hCG Diet and Weight Loss created a new, unique diet program for woman over 40 years of age. No diet will provide maximum results if it’s the same diet for each person. In order to achieve maximum weight loss results, Diet Doc creates a diet for each person based on their health history, age, lifestyle, gender and preferences. This approach turns out to be the best weight loss program for women over 40.
When it comes to weight loss we already know there is no one size fits all answer and that everyone needs a modified approach. This couldn’t be more true than when looking at the best weight loss program for women over 40. Several factors including metabolism, muscle retention and hormonal balance need to be taken into account for a successful weight loss program.
The body starts to lose muscle mass starting in our 40’s and because of the impact muscle has on metabolism, preserving lean muscle mass becomes one of the most important factors in long term maintenance of any weight loss program. Most calorie restrictive diets will cause the body to initiate a metabolic pathway called gluconeogenesis where the body actually makes glucose from amino acids. This results in the loss of highly valuable muscle mass. Many low carb diets also inadvertently stimulate gluconeogenesis because ketone levels aren’t properly monitored.
The best weight loss program for women over 40 which has been shown to preserve lean muscle mass while stimulating fat loss is the HCG diet. Weight lost during this program comes from a much higher percentage fat than that which is seen with other programs such as Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers or Nutrisystem. The Diet Doc HCG weight loss program has modernized the Simeons HCG protocol to further spare lean muscle through careful ketone monitoring and increased protein intake through their propriety shake blend.
Around 40, hormone changes can also start to create weight loss obstacles. The body starts to burn calories at a slower rate than it once did in your 20’s and 30’s, which causes a decrease in BMR (basal metabolic rate). This decrease causes real frustrations for people who feel like they workout all the time and eat right, but find it impossible to lose weight. Cortisol levels change as we age and maintenance programs which take this into account can make the difference between piling on extra weight around the midsection every year versus an optimal metabolism which doesn’t lead to gaining weight back.
In women over 40, five to ten years before menopause, there is a decline in progesterone and estrogen. Both these hormones have a tremendous impact on the way our body stores and metabolizes fat. Progesterone in particular tends to decrease at a much faster rate than estrogen and so many women end up in a state called “estrogen dominance” which can lead to weight gain.
Diet Doc’s HCG weight loss program takes into account the BMR and hormone risk factors of every patient and creates a formula which can result in weight loss of up to one pound a day. For women over 40, Diet Doc’s HCG weight loss program provides all the support in the much needed areas of muscle conservation, hormone balance, and metabolic maintenance.
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Julie Wright
Diet Doc HCG Diet and Weight Loss
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