Save Money The Crock Pot Way recommends these products


Save Money The Crock Pot Way

Saving money – is something we would all like to do. Whether you are struggling to manage day to day or earning a six figure salary, saving is something we all think about.

There is one thing we can all save on. The one thing we all do, every day, several times a day. We all … Eat.

And food these days can be so expensive. It is quite easy to go to the grocers and spend your entire weeks pay just on food. Meat especially can put a hole in anyone’s budget.

After a long day at work, the last thing you want is to spend the rest of the day in the kitchen preparing dinner. So the quick option is often just to fry or grill up some steak. But this is expensive. And frying those cheaper cuts of meat – ugh!

You have heard the old saying ‘tough as old boots’.

They end up so tough, that even if you do manage to eat them; you will be lucky not to chip a tooth or dislocate a jaw; both of which cost even more.

How about if you could save money on your food bill and save hours in the kitchen at the same time?

Well the solution for you is . . . the Crock Pot.

It allows you to turn those cheap meat cuts into not only edible, but absolutely delicious meals. And, does it all, while you are at work.

This is not some new gimmicky thing you see in info-commercials on late night television. This is a real kitchen appliance that has been around since the early 1970’s.

It uses low heat and a slow cooking method which tenderizes the meat.

Just put the vegetables and meat in the crock pot in the morning on the way to work and come home to the delightful aroma of dinner ready in the evening.

Save money – the cheapest meat cuts are the best ones to use, they are full of flavor and appreciate the long cooking time.

Happy Crock pot Cooking
author:Lisa Paterson

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