My Name is Moira Forbes And I Drink Diet Coke recommends these products

Diet Coke

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My Name is Moira Forbes And I Drink Diet Coke

As I was waiting at a bar to meet a friend for drink last night, a man a few seats away looked in my direction and remarked, “You know, you really shouldn’t be drinking that stuff.”

I instinctively turned around to look for a pregnant woman downing a mojito or man slumped over a set of empty shot glasses, only to realize that the comment was directed at me. And my Diet Coke.

I was stunned– since when did a stranger call someone out for ordering a diet coke at a bar for any other reason than being boring?

The stranger’s comment came on the heels of new research from the American Stroke Association that linked diet coke devotees to higher risks of vascular issues such as heart attack or stroke. “This study suggests that diet soda is not an optimal substitute for sugar-sweetened beverages, and may be associated with a greater risk of stroke,” said one of the study’s lead researchers.

While the study did indeed identify a striking correlation, researchers were unclear what actually drove this cause-and-effect relationship, with skeptics pointing out that a number of factors may have caused this link which were uncontrolled for in the study. Dr. Walter Willett, chair of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health, reminded that “we have to interpret the findings about diet coke very carefully, in almost any first report, we shouldn’t really change our behavior because it could easily have occurred by chance.”

Experts such as Willett emphasize that this early study should be viewed as ‘cautionary’ for diet coke drinkers until further research can validate these initial findings. But are diet drinks in fact worse for you than the sugary beverages already so demonized in the health and obesity conversations in this country? Every day it seems as though there’s a new health warning, often dramatized for a headline, even when a study is preliminary or, even worse, lacks any credibility within the scientific community.

And how often are these ‘findings’ contradicted within a few years. I still don’t know whether or not I’m allowed to eat eggs.

So what’s the white noise vs. what will send me to the ER? If it’s diet coke, then I’ll say a fond farewell to my carbonated friend. And ditto for my love of fast food and the occasional Big Mac. I may be the only person in New York City to “out” herself as a former customer of McDonald’s delivery service, yet in the suburbs the occasional fast food visit is part of the culture—as is a can of Diet Coke.

And with that, I’ll continue to drink my Diet Coke in careful moderation (two per week), as one should most things—just about the only piece of health advice that hasn’t changed over the years. And I won’t hide the fact that I really do like the taste of Diet Coke, not to mention my strong opinions on whether it’s best served in a can, bottle or on crushed ice from the fountain at 7-Eleven (I vote the latter).

What’s really puzzling is that sharing this well-considered opinion created perplexed looks from a colleague who was discussing the very same topic–as it related to beer. In a recent work meeting, even prior to the release of the study, another colleague commented on those “crazy Diet Coke addicts,” prompting my self-conscious glance across the room to ensure a bottle wasn’t visible within my bag.

Diet and Weight loss – Diet Coke with Bill & Sheila

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