Prepare A Romantic Dinner At Home For Valentine's Day recommends these products

Prepare A Romantic Dinner At Home For Valentine’s Day

Remember those pre-child days when you would go out to a fancy restaurant or spend the weekend at a romantic get-away to celebrate Valentine’s Day? That may not be an option this year, but you can still enjoy a romantic dinner with your spouse. Here are a few ideas on how you can easily create a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner at home.

Creating The Menu

This is the perfect time for some “Grown-up” food. Cook a separate dinner for the kids or order in some pizza. Let the kids eat an early dinner and then send them off to play, or watch a movie while the two of you enjoy your meal. If your children are really young, you may want to put them to bed before you sit down for your Valentine’s Day dinner.

Cooking a restaurant inspired meal doesn’t have to be complicated. Pick up some mini-quiches in your grocers frozen food section and bake them up as an appetizer. For a first course pick up a can of gourmet style soup that you just need to heat up. Garnish with a dollop of sour cream and some fresh herbs for visual appeal.

Choose a main dish that you can prepare ahead of time, so you can enjoy the evening. Good choices are baked salmon or chicken. Just place either one in a baking dish, add whichever marinade you prefer and refrigerate. When you are ready just bake it until it’s done. Serve with mixed greens and fancy store-bought vinaigrette. Grab French bread, or fix some wild rice.

Dessert could be anything from cheesecake with fresh fruit, to chocolate dipped strawberries to chocolate mousse that you can make ahead and refrigerate. Or serve assorted cheeses with a nice glass of red wine.

Setting The Scene

Set the table with a tablecloth, cloth napkins and candles. Take out your good china and crystal. Since dinner will be just for the two of you, you don’t have to worry about damaging any of your special tableware. Now is the perfect time to enjoy all these fancy goodies you received as wedding gifts.

Take the time to dress up, and do your hair and makeup. I feel sure you spouse will appreciate it and you will feel like you are actually going out. For even more fun get ready in separate rooms and ask your date to come pick you up.

Turn down the lights and light the candles. Play some soft, romantic music, or some songs that have special meaning for the two of you. You never know, with the right music, your romantic Valentine’s Day dinner may end with some slow dancing in your dining room.

Staying in doesn’t mean you can’t have a wonderful romantic Valentine’s Day dinner. You never know, this may turn out to be the most romantic Valentine’s date yet.

author:Christine Steendahl

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