Healthy Memphis: Alternative medicine should be add-on, not substitute
What you should know
Alternative and complementary medicine has grown in popularity. It includes a broad range of supplements, techniques and care philosophies that have not been used frequently by medical doctors or osteopaths in the U.S.
Research shows that alternative and complementary medicine is used by nearly two out of five adults. This statistic might understate the true use of complementary and alternative medicine. Many nutritional supplements, vitamins, probiotics in yogurt, herbs, special diets, and certain wellness exercises (like yoga and tai chi) are considered complementary medicine.
Some herbal remedies used by ancestors might be the basis of certain FDA-approved medicines. For example, digitalis from the Foxglove plant is an example of a drug that was formerly used by herbalists.
Many alternative techniques are unproven. Unlike many conventional medicine practices, they have not been researched through clinical trials that objectively test their effectiveness and safety.
In the past, most conventional medicine and training concentrated on care of the sick and injured, not on wellness and preventive care. Meanwhile, consumers, patients and employers have become increasingly burdened by rising health care premiums and costs. There has also been a big increase in lifestyle-related illnesses such as obesity and Type 2 diabetes. Thus, some people have become more engaged in their own care, and have looked for proven, less expensive alternatives.
“Integrative medicine” combines safe and effective complementary and alternative medicine with conventional medicine and practices.
Many consumers, employers, and some conventional medicine doctors are looking for additional safe methods and are integrating alternative medicine into care plans. Alternative medicine often allows patients to become more engaged and involved in adopting healthful lifestyle.
Some alternative techniques consider natural products and diet counseling. Holistic methods consider the role of a person’s mind and attitude in wellness and healing. Others consider the body’s self-healing abilities or manipulation of parts of the body, such as chiropractic manipulation and massages. Palliative care, biofeedback, acupuncture, deep breathing, hypnosis and meditation have also helped patients who are managing difficult conditions.
Integrative providers of care are likely to develop a comprehensive care plan that combines conventional medical care with other plans such as dietary and lifestyle changes, physical activity, stress reduction and coping skills.
Many insurance carriers and employers now provide a discount to covered patients who desire alternative medicine from credentialed providers. Some benefit plants cover certain complementary care services like they cover traditional medical and surgical care. Wellness programs fit many employer and insurance carrier business strategies.
What you should do
Do your homework before choosing any form or provider of care.
Before choosing any form of care, get the facts about its effectiveness, risks and costs.
Check the credentials and track records of providers and vendors. Be especially careful if a provider has a conflict of interest, such as a profit motive from selling a product like an herbal supplement.
Beware of unproven or exaggerated claims made by some providers of alternative medicine.
Don’t be afraid to talk to your medical doctor before choosing an alternative medicine form of care. This can be especially important if you already take medications or must follow a certain diet due to a chronic illness, pregnancy or nursing.
Tell your doctor about any vitamins, supplements, over-the-counter drugs or other forms of care you are using. Be sure that your FDA-approved medicines and your medical care do not conflict with your choices of alternative care.
Don’t believe everything you read about alternative medicine on the web. Find reputable sites for information, such as for information about dietary supplements, and
Be open-minded. Some alternative medicine techniques such as yoga, tai chi and Pilates can provide excellent methods to improve flexibility, reduce stress and enhance strength and balance. Stretching and flexibility can prevent future muscle pulls and joint injuries.
For more information
Visit the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine at Learn also about nine things you can do to get better care at english/9things-youcando-pdf.pdf.
Better Health: Take Charge! is provided by the Healthy Memphis Common Table: This article supports the care and advice of your doctor.
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