Piñata are Fun for young and old!

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Piñata are Fun for young and old!

A piñata (Spanish pronunciation: [pi'?ata]) is a papier-mâché or other type of container that is decorated, filled with toys and or candy and then broken as part of a ceremony or celebration. Piñatas are most commonly associated with Mexico, but is origins are commonly considered to be in China.

The idea of breaking a container filled with treats came to Europe in the 14th century, where the name, from the Italian “pignatta” was introduced. The Spanish brought the European tradition to Mexico, although there were similar traditions in Mesoamerica. The Aztecs had a similar tradition to honour the birthday of the god Huitzilopochtli in mid December. According to local records, the Mexican piñata tradition began in the town of Acolman, just north of Mexico City, where piñatas were introduced for catechism purposes as well as the co-opt the Huitzilopochtli ceremony. Today, the piñata is still part of Mexican culture, the cultures of other countries in Latin America, as well as the United States, but it has mostly lost its religious character.

The piñata is most strongly identified with Mexico. The art of making modern piñatas falls under the Mexican craft heading of “cartonería”, which refers to the making of items from paper and cardboard. This puts piñatas in the same category as amate paper crafts, Judas figures and Mexico City style alebrijes. The Museo de Arte Popular held the first “Concurso de Piñatas Mexicanas” (Mexican Piñata Contest) in 2007 with prizes of 15,000, 10,000 and 5,000 pesos. The purpose of the contest is to help retain this tradition and help it to be continued to be valued. The Galería de Historia-Museo del Caracol in Mexico City held a workshop on how to make traditional piñatas, as part of its outreach program to the public.

While the religious significance has been mostly lost, the ceremony that occurs with it has remained mostly intact. Piñatas remain most popular during Las Posadas with birthday parties coming in second. Each participant, usually a child, will have a turn at hitting the piñata, which is hung from above on a string. The participant is blindfolded, given a wooden stick and then spun a number of times. As the participants works to hit the piñata, another moves it to make it harder to hit. There is a time limit to any one person’s attempts, which is marked out by the singing of a traditional song.

Piñata make a great theme to center a party around. It can be a birthday party, a going away party or just a fun party where friends and family get together. Piñatas offer excitement and challenge for both the young and old because it’s exciting to see someone swing a stick around and anticipate the breaking of the pinata and watching all the candies, chocolates and prizes spill out.

All piñata lovers know that the right ingredients mixed with care and exactness produce a colourful, rewarding piñata that is loved by everyone.

Having piñata at a child’s birthday party is always a hit. It really doesn’t matter how old a kid is, from 5 years to 75 years young, everyone enjoys watching and being watched as they attempt to break open a colorful surprise filled pinata. And just watch those young faces erupt in laughter when all that candy spills out.

Whether you’re looking for pinatas for a friend or a special treat for your family, pinatas made from the best ingredients available is sure to please everyone.

I suggest that you purchase only quality piñata filled with the best candy and the freshest quality ingredients. You’re sure to have great fun with your piñata.

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