The Big Picture: 10 Dynamic Forces Impacting the Consumer Wine World Pt. 2 of 2

We are living in a “Golden Age” of wine.  Twenty years from now we will look upon this period of time in the domestic wine world as the end of a simpler era and the beginning of a new chapter of complexity for the most global of drinks.

In part two of this two-part series (part one can be found here), we pick up where we left off and examine the seismic forces #6 – 10 that are re-shaping how we celebrate the good grape.

1) Wine consumption growth

2) Generation Y

3) The global wine village

4) Drink local

5) Technology changes everything

Brand versus Land

While the wine industry is notoriously bereft of hard data analysis, it is accepted wisdom that 90% of wine consumed in the U.S. comes from a handful of large, corporate wine companies who – principally — emphasize branding, stylistically consistent winemaking and distribution ubiquity.

The remaining 10% of consumption is divided amongst thousands of small, domestic wineries and imports who emphasize wine as an agricultural product evocative of where it comes from, with finite production and subject to vintage variation.

If you examine this “Brand versus Land” reality, coupled with the challenges in distribution that befall small wineries, you begin to see the financial and opportunistic delta between the big and the small that equates to an uneven playing field similar to a BCS college football program competing against a slate of outmanned Division III opponents.

The bottom line: In the wine world, David doesn’t slay Goliath.  In order to meet increasing consumption growth (and the common denominator), large wine companies will fuel industry growth and continue to default to agricultural mechanization, wine manipulation and stylistic homogeneity instead of creating wine that is evocative of the dirt it was grown in.  In the battle between brand versus the land, brand wins.  Purists lose.

Alternative Packaging

Wine is one of the most hidebound consumer packaged goods.  High-quality wine comes in a 750 ml glass bottle, in a few shapes (depending on the wine varietal), is finished with a cork, and has a label that is traditionally styled, right?


Rapidly, wine packaging is undergoing a revolution in form and function.

Just several years into a trend that shows no sign of slowing down before a complete perception makeover is complete, wine can now be purchased in kegs on tap at restaurants, in canteens, in a pouch with a spigot, and a myriad of bag-in-a-box styles that challenge the long-held belief that boxed wine deservedly belongs on the bottom shelf of the wine aisle.

The bottom line: Fueled by the fragility, expense and carbon footprint of shipping wine in glass, along with a prevailing consumer-oriented environmental awareness, now is a good time to forsake your perceptions of how wine packaging relates to wine quality because the future of wine packaging looks like alternative styles will become the norm.

Residual Sugar

Not only is brand-oriented winemaking and wine packaging changing so too is the traditional definition of what constitutes premium-priced wine.  For years, local wineries everywhere but California, Oregon and Washington have been making wines with residual sugar for a wine-interested audience that find dry wines a bit daunting for the palate.

And, these wines have sold … and sold … and sold.  Evidenced by recent Nielsen data from 2010 that shows Indiana wines had a year-over-year 13.1% increase in sales value and 11.2% growth in volume while North Carolina had 9.7% growth in sales value and a 12.6% increase in volume, you can draw a direct deduction of what kind of wines are driving this growth.

However, on the national stage, wines with residual sugar have always been a quiet secret or relegated to the rot gut section of the wine aisle with a social stigma attached.  No longer.

The bottom line: With Bronco Wine Company producing a sweet red with their Crane Lake label, Gallo doing the same with their Barefoot label, and Constellation indicating they are getting into the segment, varietal wines are finding their inner sweet tooth.  This should expand the comfort level of the wine-interested, but it will ultimately change the spectrum of understanding for the domestic wine world, as well.

Wine and Health

20-years ago, a 60 Minutes segment on, “The French Paradox” kicked off the, “Wine and health” conversation when they suggested that red wine, as a part of a healthy diet, could positively impact cardiac health.

Since then, medical researchers have preliminarily linked Resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant found in the skin of red wine grapes, to a laundry list of health benefits – everything from cancer to diabetes, fat fighting and longevity.

The benefits of Resveratrol is still very much in the research phase of medicine, yet that hasn’t stopped nutrition companies from coming to market with Resveratrol  supplements, a necessity because daily massive consumption of red wine would be necessary to gain the otherwise healthy benefits.

The bottom line: Still nascent in the medical community, Resveratrol has shown positivity in a wide enough number of human health areas that the next decade is likely to produce a medical breakthrough linked to the compound found principally in red wine grapes, further fueling far-ranging research into the compound as a miracle health aid.

Politics and the Law

Wine shipping might not normally make this top 10 list, but it must be discussed within the same conversation as the ongoing consolidation in wine distribution.

With large distributors aligning with large wine companies and becoming more sophisticated with large retailers, distribution is increasingly losing viability for small to medium-sized wineries, leaving them to their tasting room, wine club and ecommerce for sustainability and growth.

However, because of ongoing legal battles over wine shipping rights, the stakes are raised in importance because enhanced restrictions in winery shipping coupled with an unwieldy and unfriendly distribution channel could mean the death knell for an entire classification of wineries.

The bottom line: In 2010, a bill (H.R. 5034) was introduced in the House of Representatives that was a thinly veiled piece of lobbyist action from distributors that intended to give states full control over wine and interstate commerce.  Quickly scuttled, this bill reappeared earlier this year as H.R. 1161 with the same potential stifling effect for wineries and their ability to ship wine out of state.   If you’re the sort that likes wines a little more precious than what you can find in your grocery store, then you should pay heed to this development and consider putting on your consumer advocate hat on because the ramifications could be long-lived and consequential.

Honorable mention (if there was a number 11 and 12):

  • Natural / Organic / Biodynamic wine
  • Global warming

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About bilrob2

Bill is a retired Prison Governor living in Valencia, Spain. He and his wife Sheila are dedicated foodies and manage a number of websites and this, their first blog attached to Their primary site is Bill and Sheila's which holds thousands of recipes from around the world, articles on food and general food related information. The aim of the Spanish Blog is to provide useful and interesting food related articles in the hope that they will help to provide knowledge to those who are in need of it.
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