If you read my previous post, you’ll know that
you can now use a single tool that allows you to
get into the affiliate marketing game fast. And I
mean fast.
It’s an online-based piece of software called
Instant Site Uploader and it’s got EVERYTHING
included to help you make money online.
I’ve already receive a couple of emails about
this because it caused a bit of a stir, but let
me try to answer a few of your questions…
Q. Are the websites downloadable and do I have to
host it?
A. Yes you can download the websites. You must
first upload them to your server and then you can
download them to your PC. The system is mainly
web-based to keep everything light and portable
so even if you decide to work elsewhere you can
log into the system and continue as normal and
won’t have to install any third party programs on
your computer.
Q. How long will it really take for me to get a
website up and running?
A. I’ve tried this system myself and once you’ve
got your server ready and FTP details you can
have a brand new site uploaded in less than 5
minutes. This is a lot quicker and more efficient
than doing it manually.
Q. What kind of sites do I get?
A. You’ll have a large number of websites to
choose from with more and more added every week,
including CPA review sites, multiple product
review sites, digital product sites and squeeze
pages. I’ve seen these templates myself and they
are of excellent quality. It would take me days
just to create one of them but these guys are
churning them out FAST to help us out!
Q. Do the sites include legal details for FTC
A. Yes! Every site comes with all the pages you
need, including a privacy policy and official
statement that says that you’re an affiliate
promoting a product. This will keep you out of
trouble from the FTC guys.
Q. Will I struggle with this?… I’m not that
good with computers.
A. You don’t need to be a technical genius to use
this… you can actually be a technical dunce,
because all you have to do is log in and follow
the step-by-step wizard. It’ll even put your site
files on your web server for you, so you don’t
have to know anything about FTP.
Q. Can I use these sites to build my list?
A. Yes, absolutely. There are some very cool
templates designed solely for list-building
purposes and you’ll be able to fully integrate
your web-form capture code into them!
If you’ve got anymore questions, just contact the
Instant Site Uploader team. They can answer any
queries from you and membership spots are filling
up fast!
Click Here To Check It Out Now
Imagine being able to create a nice-looking
review site for some great affiliate products in
a niche you want to target.
Imagine being able to do it without spending an
arm and a leg on designers, graphic artists,
copywriters and techie people to install
everything for you.
Imagine being able to go from idea to complete
website in 15-30 minutes.
That’s what Instant Site Uploader lets you do. I
think it’s safe to say this is going to turn
internet marketing upside down.
If you’ve been struggling to get past the hurdle
that technical details put in the way of most
people just getting started, this is EXACTLY what
you need.
Click Here For More Information
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