How many calories in that wine?

People have no idea how many calories are in alcoholic drinks despite pledges to lose weight, research suggests.

A poll of 2,000 Britons found fewer than one in three (29%) could say roughly how many calories are in a standard 175ml glass of wine (134).

This is despite 40% knowing their recommended daily calorie intake and 42% knowing the approximate number of calories in a cheeseburger (337).

The research, for industry funded charity Drinkaware, is to help launch a new online calculator, MyDrinkaware. People will be able to use the tool to track the effects of their drinking.

Almost half those surveyed (45%) said they were trying to lose weight, while 62% were worried about their bank balance, despite no plans to cut back on spending on alcohol.

Most (73%) would rather save money on eating out, new clothes and holidays than cutting down how much alcohol they buy.

And while some 30% of people plan to monitor their calorie intake over the next month, only 11% are thinking about tracking the amount of alcohol they drink.

The new online tool helps people translate their drinking into “burger” equivalents – with a pint of 4% beer or two double gin and tonics comparable to around one burger.

Chris Sorek, chief executive of Drinkaware, said: “We know that people understand calories better than they understand units, and this study shows that when it comes to tracking their alcohol consumption, many people have a ‘blind spot’.

“While they might make healthy lifestyle choices in other areas of their life, they might not know that sharing a bottle of wine with their partner exceeds the daily unit guidelines and is the equivalent of eating a slice of cheesecake.”

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About bilrob2

Bill is a retired Prison Governor living in Valencia, Spain. He and his wife Sheila are dedicated foodies and manage a number of websites and this, their first blog attached to Their primary site is Bill and Sheila's which holds thousands of recipes from around the world, articles on food and general food related information. The aim of the Spanish Blog is to provide useful and interesting food related articles in the hope that they will help to provide knowledge to those who are in need of it.
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