Save your Internet for when you really need it. These offline recipes — sure to appeal to vegetarians and carnivores alike — will make even a rookie camp cook look like a top chef at chow time.
Name: Camp Recipes!
Available for: iPhone; Android version in development.
What it does: Offers more than 700 easy-to-prepare recipes for all types of campers, from well-equipped motor-home travelers to backpackers far from civilization. There’s even a survival food section for when all you have are your own two hands.
Cost: $1.99
What’s hot: The search-by-prep-time option puts this app above other camping recipe apps in the iTunes store. (There are just a few.) I found tasty recipes such as Cowboy Stew and Ice Cream in a Bag that took 30 minutes or less to make — ideal for campers reaching their site with little daylight left.
What’s not: This app would benefit from photos of the finished product. How-to videos for lengthier recipes would be welcome as well.
Worth it: Absolutely, even if you use it only once. And if you arrive at your campsite after dark without a flashlight, there are plenty of apps in the iTunes store to help with that too.
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