Apps: More than 700 recipes for camp-outs

Save your Internet for when you really need it. These offline recipes — sure to appeal to vegetarians and carnivores alike — will make even a rookie camp cook look like a top chef at chow time.

Name: Camp Recipes!

Available for: iPhone; Android version in development.

What it does: Offers more than 700 easy-to-prepare recipes for all types of campers, from well-equipped motor-home travelers to backpackers far from civilization. There’s even a survival food section for when all you have are your own two hands.

Cost: $1.99

What’s hot: The search-by-prep-time option puts this app above other camping recipe apps in the iTunes store. (There are just a few.) I found tasty recipes such as Cowboy Stew and Ice Cream in a Bag that took 30 minutes or less to make — ideal for campers reaching their site with little daylight left.

What’s not: This app would benefit from photos of the finished product. How-to videos for lengthier recipes would be welcome as well.

Worth it: Absolutely, even if you use it only once. And if you arrive at your campsite after dark without a flashlight, there are plenty of apps in the iTunes store to help with that too.


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About bilrob2

Bill is a retired Prison Governor living in Valencia, Spain. He and his wife Sheila are dedicated foodies and manage a number of websites and this, their first blog attached to Their primary site is Bill and Sheila's which holds thousands of recipes from around the world, articles on food and general food related information. The aim of the Spanish Blog is to provide useful and interesting food related articles in the hope that they will help to provide knowledge to those who are in need of it.
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