Alyssa Sullivan of Greencastle competes to be Cutest Vegetarian Alive


Alyssa Sullivan is not just a vegetarian. She is hoping to be named the Cutest Vegetarian Alive.

Sullivan, 17, of Greencastle is a finalist in the competition, which is sponsored by peta2, the youth division of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, or PETA.

Sullivan beat out more than 1,200 other contestants from across the United States.

A vegetarian for four years and an animal lover, Sullivan hopes to use this experience to encourage others to try the vegetarian lifestyle.

No meat here

“I’ve always been an animal lover,” Sullivan said while taking a break from walking the dogs at the Humane Society of Washington County in Maugansville Thursday afternoon.

After getting involved with PETA and learning how some animals are butchered, Sullivan decided to become a vegetarian.

“I look at animals just like people,” Sullivan said. “I love them too much (to eat them).”
Going vegetarian was the best decision she has ever made, Sullivan said.

Sullivan is an active advocate for animals, writing letters to businesses and policymakers in support of animal issues and volunteering frequently at local animal shelters.

Sullivan found the contest on PETA’s website and decided to enter, hoping to use it as an opportunity to advocate for a vegetarian lifestyle.

Although finding food choices in the area can be challenging, Sullivan said being vegetarian helps her feel better about herself.

“More and more Americans are going vegetarian every day and young people are leading the charge,” Marta Holmberg, peta2 division manager, said. “It’s no wonder. On average, vegetarians are slimmer, trimmer and generally healthier than meat-eaters, so they’re bound to be a lot cuter, too.”

Sullivan is a junior at St. Maria Goretti High School. She lives in Greencastle with her parents, James and Amy, her brother, Chad, and cat, Ortiz.

Who’s the cutest?

The finalists for the Cutest Vegetarian Alive contest were selected by public votes and judges.

Five male and female finalists were selected by the public and a second five were selected by the judges.

The final round of voting will be open until noon Tuesday, May 31.

To vote for Sullivan, the public should text “Alyssa S.” to 73822.

The winners, who will be named by June 6, will receive a professional photo shoot and star in a peta2 advertisement.

On the Net

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About bilrob2

Bill is a retired Prison Governor living in Valencia, Spain. He and his wife Sheila are dedicated foodies and manage a number of websites and this, their first blog attached to Their primary site is Bill and Sheila's which holds thousands of recipes from around the world, articles on food and general food related information. The aim of the Spanish Blog is to provide useful and interesting food related articles in the hope that they will help to provide knowledge to those who are in need of it.
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