Information and blog, was formed in late 2010 after its founders, Bill and Sheila Robinson, discovered that their Cookbook site was becoming ever increasingly popular. Starting from their home office in Valencia, Spain, first supplied their Articles and free software and ebooks through Bill & Sheilas Cookbook to world-wide visitors and is currently in the top 1% of the worlds total websites.
The aim of the blog is to bring food related topics out for discussion and the article database is for the use of everyone who has a need for information
Bill & Sheilas Cookbook
is our sister site which provides recipes and food ralated information from all
around the world. So, if you are in need of a recipe or advice on any food related topic, you should find it availble on this site
is our free Word Press blogging site where you can have your say about
any of the postings we have on site. Nearly all the postings are related to food & drink, but we do have
a section on Blogging and Tweeting which may be of help to other webmasters or even to anyone who
wants to know more about these systems of social networking.
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LATEST NEWS: We have removed the Articles databases to make way for new and exciting sub domains. The Article databases were duplicating content and causing problems with SEO as well as using more space than necessary on the server.
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